chevron_rightWhat is a Community Association?
“Community Association” is the generic term for communities that are created under recorded covenants or other documents that create an association of homeowners. The term Community Association can include condominiums, homeowner associations, and housing cooperatives. These are typically organized as non-profit corporations.
chevron_rightFor new homeowners, how do I get set-up?
Please contact your Allegiant Property Manager or call our offices at 970-726-5701 to get all of the information on your Community.During this time - we will validate your contact information, get you added to your Community communications list and address any questions that you have.
chevron_rightWhere can prospective owners, realtors or lenders obtain information on an Association?
For all Associations that Allegiant manages, the governing documents and meeting minutes are available on Homewise at https://www.homewisedocs.com/.You can also request a status letter and questionnaire through Homewise as well.For further assistance please contact your Property Manager or call the Allegiant Offices at 970-726-5701.
chevron_rightWhat is CCIOA?
The Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act is a set of state statues that govern the formation, management, powers, and operation of common interest communities (HOAs) in Colorado. Only Associations of a certain size that were created after 1992 are required to follow CCIOA. CCIOA includes the protection around the extent of Association restrictions around items such as: solar panels, non-commercial signage, access/ability to have cable and satellite dishes, xeriscaping. CCIOA also includes requirements around notice, annual meetings, and voting procedures. Your Allegiant Property Manager is fully versed in CCIOA and as part of their CMCA Credential (Certified Manager of Community Associations), they sit for a State Exam that is 50% focused on CCIOA.
chevron_rightWhat is the responsibility of the Association vs. Homeowners in our Community?
Association and homeowner responsibility varies by Community and the responsibilities are always outlined in the governing documents for your Association, typically in your Declarations. When in doubt regarding responsibility, please contact Allegiant to confirm. In communities with single-family homes, typically the Association is only responsible for Association common area, such as open space, private roads, or shared amenities for the Community. Association responsibility is much greater in multi-unit communities; such as, townhomes/duplexes, triplexes, or condominiums, where the Association is often responsible for the exterior of units and the maintenance of all grounds in the Community.
chevron_rightWhat determines how an Association is governed?
Every Association is governed based on the governing documents for the Association and the direction of the Board. The governing documents are created by the original Developer of the Community and are recorded with the Secretary of State. Governing documents typically include: Declarations (sometimes called Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions, CC&Rs), Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws, Recorded Plats, Policies, Procedures, and Guidelines, and Rules and Regulations. Each document carries a different weight, legally. In the case of a conflict, Federal and State-Law (include CCIOA) always override what is in your documents.
chevron_right What is the role of Management vs. the Board?
Allegiant operates at the direction of the Board. Allegiant is a resource for best practices amongst Associations, local contacts in Grand County, your governing documents, and CCIOA. We can be a sounding board as the Board discusses resolutions to challenges or pain points in the community. Ultimately, decisions for design reviews, what projects are prioritized, how gray areas in your governing documents are handled - are made by the Board. The Board provides approval and direction for how to proceed and Allegiant executes against that direction. In addition to managing the relationship with the Board, Allegiant handles all of the financial management, compliance, owner communication, and assessments for the Association.
chevron_rightHow and When are Board Meetings held?
Allegiant typically has an email correspondence with the Board to confirm their availability for a meeting. The cadence of Board meetings is outlined in the governing documents and are generally quarterly, or 2-3 times a year. Meetings are typically held via Zoom, or hybrid, where Board members can join in-person or on the Zoom. Notice of all Board meetings are also posted on Association Online. Under CCIOA, Board meetings are always open to any homeowner in the Community to join, unless it’s an Executive Session.
chevron_rightWhat is the structure for Board Meetings?
Allegiant follows ‘Roberts Rule of Order,’ for running all Board and Annual meetings, which is a parliamentary procedure. Meetings are either run by your Allegiant Property Manager or the Board President. Meetings follow this standard cadence:
- Proof of Notice, Quorum – The meeting organizer confirmed that the meeting was property noticed under CCIOA and that a quorum has been met. The Bylaws of the Association set the requirement for how many Board members must join the meeting in order for the Board to be able to make decisions (quorum).
- Call to Order – The meeting is called to order with the exact start time of the meeting.
- Approval of Minutes – The meeting minutes from the previous Board meeting are approved.
- Financial Review – Depending on the Association, financials are reviewed (balance sheet, year-to-date vs. annual income statement).
- Property Manager’s Report – The Property Manager provides a progress update on the day-to-day operations of the property and status on any major or upcoming projects.
- Other Business – This is the time for Board Members or Allegiant to bring up any topics for discussion that are not included on the agenda.
- Open Forum – This is the time for any owners that have joined the Board Meeting to speak and bring up their discussion items/requests.
- Adjourn – Once all of the agenda items have been completed, the Board can choose to adjourn. The exact time of the meeting adjournment is noted.
chevron_rightWhat are Motions and how do they work?
During Board meetings, any major decisions must be formalized via a motion. A motion requires the support of the majority of the Board members to pass. Generally, Allegiant will call for a “first” on a motion, or a Board member can say they “would like to introduce a motion.” From there, a second Board member can support the motion by saying, “I second the motion” or “Second.” Following the second support on the motion, the Property Manager will say, “All in favor or any opposed?” If any Board member objects to the motion, this is their opportunity to speak. Otherwise, all in favor responds with “aye” and any opposed, same sign. With the response from all Board members, the Property Manager will indicate that the motion carries/passes or fails. During a Board meeting, motions can only be taken by members of the Board. During an annual meeting, motions can be initiated and taken by any member of the community/homeowner. Per Robert’s Rule of Order, if there is a need for continued discussion on a topic, there is opportunity after an official motion has been made and seconded. The act of making and having a motion with a first and second, does not indicate support of the motion, but rather opens up a direct topic for discussion. The act of calling for those in favor or not in favor, indicates a specific Board member’s support or lack of support for a motion.